
A mobile POS app written with Flutter, compatible Sunmi device

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⚠ Check this out! version 2 is at

❤️❤️ Online Demo for v2❤️❤️

❤️❤️ Online Demo for v1❤️❤️

A mobile POS written in Flutter, suitable for small cafe/restaurant, fully offline.

Tested & printable on Sunmi V1S device.



  • Android
  • Web (unable to print)
  • English & Vietnamese (auto detect Locale)

Install & Run

Get flutter
IMPORTANT: this project works only with Flutter >= 3.10

flutter pub get
flutter run

Running inside WSL2

Use Docker for Destop’s Dev Environment (note that usbip over Docker Desktop, as of now, hasn’t work; you can try debugging over ADB tcpip)


Run Docker containers inside of WSL2
  1. Build image and run container: docker-compose -f .\compose-dev.yaml up -d --build
  2. SSH inside: docker exec -it flutter_dev bash
  3. Accept licences: flutter doctor --android-licenses
  4. Clean: flutter clean
  5. Run:
    • Web: flutter run -d web-server (Visual studio code should forward the port automatically if you use Remote window)
    • USB-connected Android device: follow the instruction here to connect your phone into WSL2, remember to kill the running ADB server on your Windows host machine first


flutter test


  • [ ] Remote printing? (via Bluetooth)

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