Top Flutter Design System packages A Design System is a set of rules or guidelines for designing user interfaces. It can be used to create a consistent look and feel across multiple devices and platforms. A design system can also help to streamline the development process by providing a reusable set of UI elements and patterns. There are many design systems available to help designers create user interfaces. Some popular design systems are Material Design, Microsoft Fluent Design System and Atlassian Design System. Each design system has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it's important to choose the one that's right for your project. Flutter comes prepackaged with Material Design implementation. But, you can use the below mentioned packages to use other Design Systems (like Fluent UI, MacOS UI, etc.) for your Flutter apps.
Windows95 UI components for Flutter apps. Bring back the nostalgic look and feel of old operating systems with this set of UI components ready to use.
A Flutter UI framework designed for web / pc application, contains some high quality widgets.
The Chicago widget set is an alternate design language for Flutter designed for desktop (keyboard and mouse) form factors. It is based on Apache Pivot.
A vant-style flutter UI library.You can use this library to quickly build your application.
A Flutter package that provides a set of Neubrutalism-style UI components that you can use to build beautiful and functional user interfaces for your apps.
Google UI is an open-source UI library for developing cross-platform apps using Flutter with "Material Design 2.0"
A package that contains the core UI components as per the Innovaccer design system.