Desktop (Windows, Linux & macOS)

Top Flutter Desktop (Windows, Linux and macOS) packages Flutter ecosystem has various packages that provide developers with a suite of utilities and tools for building robust desktop Flutter applications that work seamlessly on Windows, Linux, and macOS. Some of the provided features are: * Customizable UI components, window utilities and design system packages to build native-like user interfaces across Windows, Linux, and macOS while adhering to each platform's design guidelines. * Utilities to help developers create responsive and adaptive layouts for their applications, adapting to different screen sizes and orientations. * Handle file system interactions, ensuring consistent behavior for file operations across different operating systems. * APIs for accessing system-specific features like notifications, clipboard management, and system-wide shortcuts. * Show platform-native dialogs such as file pickers, save dialogs, and message boxes. * A unified interface for managing application data storage, supporting databases, file storage, and other data persistence mechanisms. * Utilities to seamlessly handle multiple monitors and adapt application windows to different display configurations. * A notification system that allows applications to display system notifications with consistent behavior on all supported platforms. The complete list of Dart and Flutter packages provided below can help streamline the desktop application development process, making it easier for developers to create cross-platform apps with consistent user experiences while leveraging the strengths of each operating system.