flutter pub add at_backupkey_flutter
A Flutter plugin project for saving the backup key of any atSign that is being onboarded with atPlatform apps. The backup key can be used to authenticate in other atPlatform apps.
Category | Cryptography, Security & Permissions |
update frequency | Good |
Likes | 6 |
Popularity | 0 |
pub platform score | 140 |
github star count | 0 |
github open issue count | 0 |
total number of github issues | 0 |
package creation time | |
package update time | |
Dart3 Support | yes |
null safety support | yes |
Platforms | AndroidiOSmacOSWindowsLinux |
Version Number | 4.0.16 |
Creation Time | 4.0.10 (Jul, 2023) |