flutter pub add easy_permission_validator
PermissonHandler is a package that manages permissions on Android and iOS, with this package you can find an easy way to use the PermissonHandler library.
Category | Cryptography, Security & Permissions |
update frequency | Average |
Likes | 36 |
Popularity | 0 |
pub platform score | 160 |
github star count | 18 |
github open issue count | 0 |
total number of github issues | 4 |
package creation time | 2019-06-07 02:26:29 |
package update time | 2024-09-12 06:29:38 |
Dart3 Support | yes |
null safety support | yes |
Platforms | AndroidiOSWindows |
Version Number | 5.0.1 |
Creation Time | 4.0.0 (Apr, 2022) |