flutter pub add flutter_cart
A flutter package for the cart management. This package helps you to perform basic cart operation like (Add to cart, Remove from cart, Get total count) etc.

Category | List |
update frequency | Good |
Likes | 90 |
Popularity | 93 |
pub platform score | 160 |
github star count | 45 |
github open issue count | 2 |
total number of github issues | 8 |
package creation time | 2020-08-26 17:42:59 |
package update time | 2024-07-22 09:02:51 |
Dart3 Support | yes |
null safety support | yes |
Platforms | AndroidiOSWebmacOSWindowsLinux |
Version Number | 0.0.9 |
Creation Time | 0.0.8 (Nov, 2022) |