flutter pub add flutter_color_models
A set of classes representing the CMYK, HSI, HSL, HSP, HSB, LAB, Oklab, RGB, and XYZ color spaces with methods to convert colors between each space.
Category | Color Picker & Utilities |
update frequency | Good |
Likes | 30 |
Popularity | 93 |
pub platform score | 150 |
github star count | 14 |
github open issue count | 5 |
total number of github issues | 5 |
package creation time | 2019-07-24 14:29:13 |
package update time | 2024-07-05 23:04:41 |
Dart3 Support | yes |
null safety support | yes |
Platforms | AndroidiOSWebmacOSWindowsLinux |
Version Number | 1.3.3+2 |
Creation Time | 1.3.3+2 (Jan, 2023) |
These GitHub projects use the flutter_color_models plugin.