
Digital diary with state-of-the-art encryption

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A digital diary with state-of-the-art encryption.




I feel like the days of traditional diaries are over.
Not only are they inconvenient to carry around, but they are also not very secure.
Thus, I decided to create a digital diary that is secure and easy to use.


The project is a local Desktop application that stores all data on the local file system.
All files in the repository are encrypted using the ChaCha20-Poly1305 cipher which uses a 256-Bit key.
That is plenty to protect your diary for the next years.
The key is derived from a password using the Argon2 algorithm, which is currently the recommended algorithm.
You can only decrypt the diary again using the same password.
In the future we might add support for a second factor like a FIDO2 key that offers a higher level of security.

If you want to save your data in the cloud you can bind a directory to a cloud storage service like Dropbox or Google
Since your data is encrypted and the cloud service private your diary should be safe from prying eyes.


Build it yourself

cd client
flutter build windows

You’ll find the executable in client/build/windows/runner/Release/.

Build Installer

flutter pub run msix:create


The app currently consists of a simple calendar that just shows whether a day has an entry or not.
When clicking on the day in the calendar you’ll be able to either create a new entry or edit an existing one (if you
know the password for decryption at least).

The encrypted diary entries are stored under your home directory in a folder named .diary.

Getting started


Rebuilding Flutter <> Rust bridge

Run ./tools/ or ./tools/build_bridge.bat depending on your OS

bennyboer/diary 에 관련된 우수 프로젝트 추천 다운로드