
:penguin: :orange_heart: :blue_heart: An Ubuntu Desktop system settings app made with Flutter.

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Settings App for the Ubuntu Desktop

The goal of this project is to build a feature complete settings app for the Ubuntu desktop (GNOME, gtk and gnome-shell) with the Flutter UI toolkit.

Light Dark


The app will be soon available as a snap.


The following steps are needed to run the app from the source code.

Install Flutter

sudo apt -y install git curl cmake meson make clang libgtk-3-dev pkg-config && mkdir -p ~/development && cd ~/development && git clone https://github.com/flutter/flutter.git -b stable && echo 'export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/development/flutter/bin"' >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc


Run the app with vscode or with

flutter run


  • [X] use real yaru icons - thanks to @Jupi007
  • [X] responsive layout
  • [X] MVVM software pattern - thanks to @jpnurmi
  • [X] search
  • [X] WIFI page - WIP
  • [ ] Ethernet page
  • [ ] Cellular Network page
  • [X] Bluetooth page - WIP
  • [X] Wallpaper page
  • [X] Appearance page
  • [X] Multi-Tasking page
  • [X] Notifications page
  • [ ] Search page
  • [X] Apps page (forward to snap-store)
  • [X] Privacy/Security page - WIP
  • [ ] Online Accounts page
  • [ ] Sound page - WIP
  • [X] Power page
  • [X] Displays page - WIP
  • [X] Mouse and touchpad page
  • [X] Keyboard shortcuts page - WIP
  • [ ] Printers page - WIP
  • [X] Removable Media page
  • [ ] Color page
  • [X] Region and language page
  • [X] Accessability page
  • [ ] Users page
  • [ ] Preferred apps page
  • [X] Date and time page
  • [ ] Wacom page
  • [X] Info page


This project really needs help to finish the last pages and also in the future when the GNOME desktop changes. Any help is welcome!

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