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Berlin-bike-theft-warning is a simple application which informs the user about the number of stolen bicycles either by location or by tapping.

It utilizes Riverpod/Provider for State Management and OSM Tiles.

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  • flutter_riverpod for state management
  • hive as local database
  • hive_flutter extension for hive
  • csv converts csv to nested lists
  • geolocator handles realtime location in iOS and Android
  • flutter_maps A Dart implementation of Leaflet for Flutter apps.
  • proj4dart needed for custom CRS

Data sources:

Header CSV Fahrraddiebstähle


Initial Location/Map Center Initial Location Bar Chart

The button is color coded.
Green: more than 20 bike thefts below average.
Yellow: less than 20 bike thefts below/above average.
Red: more than 20 bike thefts above average.
Button is color coded
Accidents Chart
By pressing the button a bar chart will pop up.


  • [ ] Functionality is as advertised. Though the app declares requesting ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION, this is not accessed automatically, nor when browsing the map – but only when told by the user to use the current location, which is very good. Unfortunately, it cannot be toggled off again without killing the app – which a future release will hopefully fix.
  • [x] Button Styling
  • [x] implement ‘Strassenverkehr’
  • [ ] make a usable ui

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