
Top Flutter 3D packages A 3D model is a realistic three-dimensional representation of any object or a scene often created using softwares. The most common data-format that represents 3D geometry is the **.obj** (Object) file format and has been used by a variety of 3D graphics applications. The format is simple: it is a text file that contains a list of vertices and faces. Each vertex is specified by a line that starts with the letter "v", followed by three numbers that represent the x, y, and z coordinates of the vertex. Each face is specified by a line that starts with the letter "f", followed by three numbers that represent the indices of the vertices that make up the face. There are a few other elements that can be specified in an .obj file, such as texture coordinates and normals. Some other formats are glTF and GLB. The following Flutter packages can be used to render 3D Models or view 3D Models, which includes scaling, rotating and viewing the model from different perspectives. This is performed using OpenGL, WebGL or other implementations. Also this list includes some packages that can help view widgets in pseudo-3D perspective.