Code Generator & Serialization (JSON)

Top Flutter Code Generator and Serialization (JSON) packages Code generation is a technique for automatically generating code based on certain input data or rules. In Flutter, code generation is used for a variety of purposes, such as generating code for working with JSON data, generating code for working with databases, and generating code for working with web services. Code generation can make it easier to write and maintain code, as it can automate repetitive tasks and reduce the amount of manual coding that is required. JSON serialization is the process of converting data from a structured format, such as a JSON object, into a format that can be easily stored or transmitted. In Flutter, JSON serialization is often used for working with data that comes from web services or other external sources. The Flutter framework provides built-in support for serializing and deserializing JSON data, making it easy to work with JSON in your Flutter applications. There are various packages which provides essential tools for encoding Dart objects into JSON and decoding JSON back into Dart objects as well as parsing JSON. This capability proves crucial when fetching data from APIs, managing configuration files, or persisting local app state. Annotations are a way of adding metadata or additional information to your code. In Flutter, annotations are typically used to provide additional information about the types of data that are used in your code, such as the types of objects that are returned by a function or the types of parameters that are accepted by a method. Annotations can be useful for providing additional context to your code, and can also be used by tools such as IDEs to provide better code completion and error checking. The complete list of Dart and Flutter Code Generation, JSON Serialization and Annotation packages is provided below.