Top Flutter Header packages The header UI component is a simple, yet effective way to display information and promote navigation on a website. It is typically placed at the top of a page, above the main content, and can include a variety of elements such as a logo, site title, tagline, and navigation links. Sticky header UI component is a variation of the header UI component that remains fixed to the top of the page as the user scrolls down. This can be useful for keeping important information in view, such as a site's navigation, while still allowing the user to browse the content below. The complete list of Flutter packages that can be used to add Sticky Header, Elastic Header or Sliver Header in your Flutter app is provided below.
Flutter Sticky Headers - Lets you place headers on scrollable content that will stick to the top of the container whilst the content is scrolled.
Flutter implementation of sticky headers as a sliver. Use it in a CustomScrollView.
This package allows us to create a elastic header, to give a good effect when you scroll down the widget.
A Sliver implementation of sticky collapsable panel, with a box header rebuild on status and a sliver child as panel content.
An easy-to-use and powerful sticky header for any widget that supports scrolling.