Machine Learning, OCR & Computer Vision

Top Flutter Machine Learning, OCR and Computer Vision packages Machine Learning is a subdomain of artificial intelligence that allows computer systems to learn from data, identify patterns and make predictions without being explicitly programmed. Its most popular application in a Flutter app is for NLP (natural language processing) & Computer Vision. NLP is a type of machine learning that deals with analyzing, understanding and generating human language. For example, text summarization, translation, etc. Whereas, Vision or computer vision, is another type of machine learning that deals with analyzing, understanding and interpreting digital images. For example, Optical character recognition (OCR), Face recognition, Pose detection, Object detection, Image to Caption generation, Edge detection, etc. Tensorflow is one of the most widely used machine learning framework and Flutter supports importing tflite models for Edge inference. The complete list of Dart and Flutter packages for Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Computer Vision and Tensorflow is provided below.