Top Flutter JSON packages Want to work with JSON in Dart & Flutter! JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is widely used in Flutter app development as it enables seamless data interchange between the app's frontend and backend. There are various packages that make JSON manipulation, editing, viewing and analysis as efficient and user-friendly as possible. Here's a list of features that are provided these packages: 1. **JSON Parsing**: JSON parsing in Flutter involves the extraction and interpretation of data encoded in JSON format, facilitating its integration into the Flutter application's logic and user interface. 2. **JSON Validation**: Validate JSON data for syntax errors and compliance with the JSON specification. 3. **JSON Editing**: Easily add, modify, or remove JSON keys and values. 4. **JSON View or Visualization**: Tree view or hierarchical representation of JSON structure for easy navigation. Collapse/expand sections for complex JSON objects. 5. **JSON to/from Other Formats**: Convert JSON data to other formats like XML, YAML, CSV, etc. 6. **Pretty Printing**: Format JSON data with proper indentation and line breaks. 7. **Syntax Highlighting and Themes**: Customizable syntax highlighting and color themes for JSON. Highlight syntax for easier understanding of the structure. 8. **Error Handling and Suggestions**: Provide error messages and suggestions for fixing invalid JSON. 9. **JSON Minification**: Remove unnecessary whitespace and reduce JSON size. 10. **Red/Write JSON**: Read JSON data from local files, URLs, or clipboard. Write JSON data to files in various formats. 11. **JSON Templating**: Create and save reusable JSON templates for specific data structures. 12. **JSON Formatting**: Format JSON data to improve readability. Whether it's populating UI components with remote data, managing application settings, or storing user preferences, JSON usage in Flutter empowers developers to efficiently create dynamic and responsive applications that harness the power of structured data exchange. The below list of Dart & Flutter JSON packages can help you add the above mentioned features in your Flutter app.