Card & Expansion Tile

Top Flutter Card and Expansion Tile packages Card is the most popular and versatile Flutter UI component which provides a modular way to display information by breaking down content into digestible bits that may allow users to interact with it. Although a Card can contain various elements like text, images, graphs, tags, buttons, icons, etc., but all these elements together represent a single idea. Some of the best Card UIs are intuitive, easy to digest, user friendly, responsive and shareable. Various styling enhancements like Rounded Corners, Borders, Elevation, Shadow, Font and Color can also be made to a Card. In case a Card contains more content (long description), it can include an expansion widget that allows the user to expand and collapse content. Cards can also be more interactive and can be combined with animations like flipping, motion, drag & drop, gooey, etc. The full list of Flutter packages that can help you add a wide variety of Cards and Expansion Cards is provided below.