Carousel or Cover Flow

Top Flutter Carousel or Cover Flow packages An Image Carousel is a rotating banner of images that can be clicked on to view more information. The carousel can be set to rotate automatically or manual rotation can be controlled by the user (Image Slider). Cover flow is a UI component that allows users to scroll through a set of images, like an image carousel, but with a larger image in the center and smaller ones on either side. The images can be of anything, but are often album covers, book covers, or product images. The parallax effect is a popular effect that is often paired with image sliders. It is an optical illusion in which an object (image) appears to move in relation to its background when viewed from different angles. The illusion is created because our brain interprets the relative motion of the object and background differently, depending on our point of view. The complete list of Flutter packages to add Image Carousel, Image Slider, Cover Flow and Parallax Effect is provided below.